80 Stoddard Rd
Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041
Mon. – Fri:
8:30am - 4:30pm
Sat. – Sun:
What is a P1 Rating?
– P1 is a respiratory filter rating under the AS/NZS1716 standards for use in Australia and New Zealand. Protects against mechanically generated particles.
– Filtration rate: Filters at least 80% of airborne particles
– Suitable for: Relatively large particles (>1 micron) generated by mechanical processes, eg. grinding, cutting, sanding, drilling, sawing
– Often distinguished with yellow head straps
What is a P2 Rating?
– P2 is a respiratory filter rating under the AS/NZS1716 standards for use in Australia and New Zealand. Protects against mechanically and thermally generated particles.
– Filtration rate: Filters at least 94% of airborne particles
– Suitable for: Relatively small particles generated by mechanical processes eg. grinding, cutting, sanding, drilling & sawing
Sub-micron thermally generated particles e.g. metal & welding fumes, fertilizer and bushfire smoke, diesel exhaust & smoke and acid gases
Biologically active airborne particles under specified infection control applications e.g. viruses, bacteria, COVID-19, SARS, bioaerosols & fungus
– Often distinguished with blue head straps
What is a P3 Rating?
– P3 is a respiratory filter rating under the AS/NZS1716 standards for use in Australia and New Zealand. Protects against highly toxic or highly irritant particles.
– A P3 classification can ONLY be achieved when worn with a full facepiece.
What is the function of valves on disposable respirators?
– P1 and P2 respirators are available with a valve, either on the front or side.
– The purpose of respirator valves is to make exhaling (i.e. breathing out) easier, and reducing fogging to glasses and other eye/face protective devices causes by warm breath releasing from the sides of respirator. These valves are one way, allowing air to escape only when exhaling.
– This valve does not increase or reduce the filtration rating of a respirator. For example, a P2 mask with a valve does not offer higher protection than a P2 mask without a valve.
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