80 Stoddard Rd
Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041
Mon. – Fri:
8:30am - 4:30pm
Sat. – Sun:
A brush is an extension of the Artists’ hand and usually the last point of contact between
the Artist and their work, making it therefore a very important tool.
Selecting the right brush for the job can be of paramount importance in avoiding unnecessary
frustration in achieving the effects required.
A brush consists of three main parts: the tuft, the ferrule and the handle.
1. The tuft is a bundle of animal hairs or synthetic fibers tied tightly together at the base;
2. The ferrule is a metal sleeve that surrounds the tuft, gives the tuft its cross
sectional shape, provides mechanical support under pressure, and protects from water
wearing down the glue joint between the base of the tuft and the handle;
3. The lacquered wood handle, which is typically shorter in a watercolor brush than in an
oil painting brush, has a distinct shape—widest just behind the ferrule and tapering to the tip.
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